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The 7 Best Winter Houseplants for Your Scottsdale Home

The 7 Best Winter Houseplants for Your Scottsdale Home
Keeping the air inside your home clean and breathable is important – and one of the best ways to do that is to accent your decor with houseplants. But what are the seven best winter houseplants for your home in Scottsdale?
Here’s what you need to know.

The 7 Best Winter Houseplants for Your Scottsdale Home

Having plants in the house has been linked to all kinds of good things – including better concentration and productivity (even by as much as 15 percent), reduced stress levels and improved mood. These life-enhancing powerhouses are a great addition to any home.
And we’ll just come out and say it: There’s practically no such thing as a “bad” houseplant. However, some houseplants are easier to care for – and harder to kill – than others are, which means there are plants that will be a better fit in your home. Check out this list of seven great houseplants and what kind of care they need so you can choose what to add to your home this winter.

  1. Aloe vera
  2. Moth orchid
  3. Corn plant
  4. Snake plant
  5. Jade plant
  6. Dragon tree
  7. Rubber tree

Here’s a closer look at each.

Best Winter Houseplant #1: Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a succulent that can retain plenty of water in Arizona. A lot of people grow it to use the gel in the leaves, which comes out when you break one off – but you don’t have to do that. This plant thrives in dry conditions in full sun (and it needs bright light to flower). You can place one in a window and rotate it from time to time to help it live for years.

Best Winter Houseplant #2: Moth Orchid

Moth orchids grow all year, and if you care for yours properly, the blooms will last for months. They thrive indoors without too much interference, and they’re the epitome of elegant and exotic. (Just so you know, you’re more likely to kill a moth orchid by overwatering than underwatering.)

Best Winter Houseplant #3: Corn Plant

The corn plant – fragrant dracaena – has been a household staple for what seems like eons in Europe. These tropical African evergreens are tall and narrow, and the biggest they get is about 6 feet high. They look a bit like a palm, and they do well in partial shade or filtered sunlight with moderately damp soil.

Best Winter Houseplant #4: Snake Plant

The snake plant (commonly called mother-in-law’s tongue) does exceptionally well in bright, indirect light, but it can grow well in a shady spot, too. Protect the plant from drafty windows when temperatures dip, water (but don’t overwater) it when the soil dries out, and keep it in an area in your home with “stale” air to freshen things up.

Best Winter Houseplant #5: Jade Plant

Jade plants grow best in very bright indoor light, and their plump leaves are wonderful to look at. Water them when the top couple of inches of soil is dry to keep them happy, and place them anywhere you need to see a splash of green. As a side note, these plants are associated with good luck and prosperity in feng shui – so may we suggest your at-home work desk as a great spot for one?

Best Winter Houseplant #6: Dragon Tree

The dragon tree is a beautiful addition to almost any space. This plant thrives in bright, indirect light – if it gets too much sun, the leaves can scorch. They do really well in humid areas, like bathrooms and kitchens, but they definitely would rather be under-watered than over-watered.

Best Winter Houseplant #7: Rubber Tree

The rubber tree only needs water every week or so, as long as the soil has enough time to dry out, and they thrive in any humidity level (including our dry air). As a plant that does best in medium to bright indirect light, it’ll be a great addition to your bedroom, bathroom, home office, dining room or kitchen – but they can get pretty large for indoor plants, topping out at around 6 feet with the proper care. In the wild, these trees can grow up to 30 feet.
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