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Property taxes in Arizona: how are they assessed and when are they paid?

Buyers, sellers and homeowners often ask me how property taxes work in Arizona. If you have a mortgage on your home, you probably don’t think about them too often, as the company who services your mortgage typically takes care of making the payments from escrow impounds built into your mortgage payment each month.

Arizona property tax bills are received in September each year

Arizona property tax bills are received in September each year

However, if you own your home clear title, or if your mortgage company doesn’t take care of the tax payments, you will want to make sure you are informed about when taxes are due to make sure you get your payments in on time.

How are Arizona property taxes assessed?

The County Assessor’s office establishes a value for all properties as of January 1st of the previous year of your tax bill.   In August of the following year, the year of your tax bill, the tax rates are set.
The total tax rate for your property is comprised of a mix of primary and secondary tax rates that are levied by the various jurisdictions that pertain to your property.
Primary property taxes pay for the operation budget and maintenance of state and local governments. The secondary property taxes fund voter approved items (such as school budget overrides) and special district levies.
View a sample tax bill for more explanation of the various components of your bill.
Read a detailed property tax overview of what comprises your taxes and how they are calculated.
By March 1st of each year, all homeowners receive a “Notice of Value” postcard from the County Assessor’s Office.   Homeowners can appeal either the full cash value (the Assessor’s estimate of your property’s market value) or the classification of their property.

How do you pay your Arizona property taxes?

Property tax statements are mailed in September of each year. (You can also view your property tax statement online at – you will need to input your property’s assessor number.)

Property taxes can be paid in one or two installments

Property taxes can be paid in one or two installments

Keep in mind that you are receiving your tax bill for the current year. In other words, taxes are paid in arrears.
The first half of the current year’s taxes aren’t due until October 1st of the same year. The second half of the current year’s taxes aren’t due until March 1st of the following year. Taxes become delinquent on November 1st and May 1st respectively.
When you receive your bill, you will receive two stubs to use for making your payments. You will not receive a reminder to make your second installment, so be sure to set up a reminder in your calendar or in your bill paying software.
You also have the option of paying your taxes in a single installment – that deadline is December 31st.
Here are some alternatives for submitting your payment:

In Arizona, a failure to receive a tax statement is not a legal reason for waiving interest. In laymen’s terms, statements are sent as a courtesy and not required by the state.
Since many homeowners in Arizona reside here only part time, it may be difficult to remember deadlines, so a trick to remembering these dates is one simple phrase: “Oh No, More Money!”

Oh, O is for October.       October 1st property taxes are due.
No, N is for November.   November 1st property taxes are delinquent.
More, M is for March.     March 1st property taxes are due.
Money, M is May.             May 1st property taxes are delinquent.

Did you know?

  • Property taxes in Arizona are significantly lower than the national average. In fact, the effective property tax rate in Arizona is the 7th lowest in the nation.
  • The effective property tax rate in Arizona is 0.6696. That means that if your home is assessed at $100,000, your property taxes would be $600. The national average would put the same house’s taxes at $1,150.
  • Homeowners on average pay a tax rate of 1.3% of the market value of their home (before exemptions and rebates.)

Looking for Arizona golf homes for sale?  Contact me at 480-405-4228, or fill out the contact form below, to make an appointment to view properties.
Don Matheson
Realtor | Founder
The Matheson Team – RE/MAX Fine Properties
21000 N. Pima Rd., #100, Scottsdale, AZ 85255
[email protected]
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